I could shrink back in fear.
I could turn back now and let someone else be the first to review this CD.
I could go on to tell you that this is a very inspirational recording that will quickly train your mind to go into a deep meditative state but you must have the willingness, the desire, the enthusiasm to let the OM...the AUM... move through every cell of your body so that you will awaken from your sleep and come to know with Jesus as well as the other Spiritual Masters that we are gods in the making
We are?
We are.
And because we are gods in practice as well as gods in reality we must train our minds and remind our hearts that we are the eyes, ears, hands, and feet of the Divine and this CD can help us to reawaken...it really can.
Product Description
The Om invokes the all that is otherwise inexpressible; it is the highest spiritual sound on the earth. Using the latest electronic technology, in this soothing, uplifting and spiritually inspiring tape, Valley of the Sun has synthesized various pitches from human voices intoning the Om at the prescribed vibrations. Ideal for meditation, massage or relaxation.
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