I am looking into purchasing a heavier med ball soon, and I will be going with the harder basketball-style med balls.I don't want another ball that will develop flat spots.
Edited to add: I spoke with a very friendly Power Systems rep who instructed me to put "a few puffs of air" into the ball with a ball pump.She said that if that didn't work, that these med balls come with a three year warranty and that I could get a replacement!The puffs of air fixed, and I now have a ball that is actually ball-shaped.I will leave the review of the ball at three stars, but Power Systems gets five stars for standing behind their product.
Product Description
Add resistance to a variety of exercises or use in rehabilitation. Perform a wide range of core conditioning and upper- and lower-body exercises including crunches, rotational twists, push-ups, and leg raises. Ball fits in the palm of the hand allowing the user to move freely through a full range of motion during exercise. As conditioning improves, user may progress to heavier weights. Durable outer shell with filler. Balls do not bounce and are not intended for throwing.
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