1.Amazing quality
2.Newer moves
3.Challenging with a lot of variety.Comes with 12 discs.
4.Workouts are mapped out for you.You use 3 discs a week and do 2 days of cardio of your own choice.These workouts are only strength training.This review is of mesocycle 1 only.
What I didn't like
1.You can't just push play.This series banks highly on finding your 1-rep max.If you don't pick a weight that is challenging you'll probably think this series is to easy. Your last rep has to leave you struggling.
2.Way to much time is spent on equipment set up.If you don't have a large workout space like me you'll find this really annoying.The list of equipment is large here. Dumbbells 3-30lbs (depending on your ability), step (and mini step if you have it) with at least 4 risers on each side, barbell (up to 40-50lbs depending on your ability), medium tension band, chair, gliding discs (or paper plates), stability ball, and over the door tubing for pull up style exercises if you don't have a pull up tower.
3.The music truly disappointed me. I was used to the high energy upbeat music on her other DVD's.It is hard to explain what it is like but if you want a sample her website has nice previews.That is pretty much what you get as far as music is concerned.It was hardly motivating to me.
4.Price, way to expensive!And to charge extra for a workout guide and abs.I mean you would expect that for this price you'd get more.
5.Packaging is terrible.I foresee this thing falling apart real quick and for the price I had to pay that is truly disappointing.
Is this a P90X knock off (for everyone that might get offended by this comment lets face it and truth is that Tony's P90X came out first), . . .well yeah of course it is.I have P90X did one rotation and never did it again (I just didn't like Tony's style) so STS is obviously better to me.You'll notice certain similarities such as the phrase "Get ready set go", the clip board writing down your weight thing, and the stopping to get a drink of water.What I did like about P90X that STS did not have was the fact that P90X did not have a whole lot of equipment needed.I mean it is hard enough to fit in 1 hour a day having to need more money for equipment does not exactly make this attainable for everyone and P90X came with just about everything STS comes with for cheaper.Yes you get more DVD's with STS (if you buy all three cycles) but I didn't feel like the variety with all the extra DVD's was enough to make it worth having to charge more.I preferred having Cathe's premixes as in other workouts.You will see a whole lot of repeat moves in these 12 discs that it makes you wonder why they just didn't lessen the number of discs, . . I mean more is not always better.Oh did I mention that set up time is irritating and time consuming.
Is it worth it, . . . .
Unfortunately I can't say that it is.If you are a true Cathe fan such as myself buy it.Your library would not be complete.If not and you are wondering if there is something cheaper and just as effective yeah, there is get her Gym Style series, legs, chest, shoulders, biceps, and triceps and back series.This is cheaper and truly effective. You will need a step, dumbbells, barbell, ball, and band though.
Does it work?
Heck yeah Cathe works, I haven't finished this whole series but I would not doubt its effectiveness.Since I started my home workouts with Cathe back in 2000 I now run 20-25 miles a week can do 40 "boy" push ups in a row and 3 pull ups (okay I'm still working on increasing that to 10) but at 33 I'm stronger and leaner than I have ever been in my life. I have muscle definition in my arms and legs and my kids think I'm "cool."Cathe is totally awesome, but unfortunately I would have to say that this series was not worth the money.Heck you can't win them all.
Oh one other thing.If you do plan on buying buy from Amazon.This seller actually has a return policy and if you buy from Cathe direct it is all final sale no returns.
Product Description
STS - Mesocycle #1 (12 DVD set)Includes all 12 DVDs from mesocycle #1. Other mesocycles (mesocycle #2 and mesocycle #3) may be purchased separately or take advantage of our STS discount bundle and purchase the entire STS DVD series and save. * Ab Circuits sold separately and is not included in our STS discount bundle.What's included with this discount package?1. STS mesocycle #1 (12 DVD set)Mesocycle 1Mesocycle 1 is all about muscle endurance. You will lift weights that are 60 70% of your 1RM during these four weeks. Each week will feature a different workout for every muscle group. Your rep range will be around 15 reps or more for most exercises, but to total failure for many others like push ups, pull ups and band work. This cycle is divided into three muscle groupings with four workouts per grouping:#1 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps#2 Back and Triceps#3 LegsThese nonstop workouts are sure to test the endurance of even an advanced exerciser and feature training concepts like drop sets, 21 s and rest periods of 30 45 seconds between exercises. You will do one set for each muscle group and have only about 30 seconds of rest before moving on to the next body part.Extended StretchYou will notice that every workout concludes with our signature STS extended bonus stretch. This relaxing and thorough stretch is designed to restore and increase flexibility, relieve stress and improve overall circulation to the muscles and joints. It will also aid in muscle recovery. You ll engage in a combination of yoga-, pilates-, and athletic-based stretches while targeting all major muscle groups to ensure a well balanced stretch session. Enjoy this workout after every STS workout or simply on its own.
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