It's a body bar workout using intervals with high cardio and toning movements.You really are burning fat and sculpting all areas of your body in one go.There are almost no rests between different movements so be prepared.You have to have good knees for this too, because some of the moves are tough on them.The only equipment is a body bar and make sure to drink your water throughout this tough one.
I love it for the challenge and I found Mindy to be a good instructor who was somewhat encouraging.I really love seeing myself progress through this further and further each time through.It's worth a go.I recommend it for advanced exercisers.
Product Description
Using the Body Bar, Body weight, and pure determination, this is a workout to be conquered! COMMENTS FROM JEN, OWNER OF ADVANCED WORKOUTS: Mindy calls this workout "The Ultimate Nonstop Cardio & Srength Rush!" and she's totally not kidding. If you're not at an advanced fitness level, PLEASE do not buy this workout. Get something else, something easier -- because ALL SYSTEMS GO! is not easy, for sure!After the warm-up, theres a strength/cardio segment, then Cardio Drill #1, another strength/cardio, Cardio Drill #2, and a third strength/cardio segment. Your heart rate is always elevated, anaerobically and aerobically, and the weight work is made more intense by the challenging balance moves. I grabbed my 24-pound Body Bar when I began the workout (thinking I'd go light, HA!), but quickly had to move to my 18-pound Bar (I even went down to the 12-pound Bar for some of the ultra-tough floor work). As I sit here typing, I've just finished the workout ... my legs are still trembling, my shoulders are on fire, and I feel PUMPED. I totally recommend this workout, especially for all those Cathe fans out there who are looking for a workout as intense as what she has to offer. This is it, for sure! But again, I have to remind you -- if you're not at an advanced fitness level, this workout will be too much for you unless you follow the modifications and use a light weight.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Mindy Mylrea's All Systems Go! Extreme Cardio & Strength DVD (released 2007)