I think what impresses me most and makes this DVD so easy to follow is it's simple, straightforward approach.Fitness expert Adam Ford leads you through the moves, which he thoroughly explains and you are able to take at your own pace.Because the DVD is so basic without annoying music or visual distractions it's easy to come back to again and again.
Surprisingly, a tighter, stronger midsection wasn't the only positive outcome of using this program.By strengthening my lower back and other core muscles my posture has improved dramatically.
I've recommended this DVD to several friends of different ages and all have had great results!I can t wait to try the other DVDs offered by Ridgeline Fitness.
Product Description
Get the most out of your exercise ball workout with Adam Fords Swiss Ball Abs and Core DVD. This 60 minute DVD features three 20 minute workouts that teach you how to use a Swiss ball to develop muscle tone and improve core strength, stability, posture and balance. Certified fitness trainer Adam Ford will help you develop the abdominal and back muscles youâve always dreamed of. Swiss Ball Abs and Core is perfect for intermediate or advanced level training.
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