Going in for the visit today, my doctor gave the knee a thorough evaluation including watching me walk and jog. After he came to the conclusion it was my IT Band rubbing over the Bursa Sac causing irritation and leading up to the symptoms I was having all the way up to my office visit. After giving me one stretch to do (cross right leg over bent left knee and press down on right knee giving stretch to the IT Band), and the Tandem Pro-Tec Iliotibial Band Compression Wrap, I decided to see if the advise would pay off in a cautious training run in the evening. Ultimately I went for a 3.6 mile run and had NONE of the stiffness, instability, or pain in the right knee as before. I almost felt like a miracle had been performed!
I can honestly tell you the Tandem Pro-Tec Iliotibial Band Compression Wrap gave me a greater sense of stability right off the bat and alleviated all the discomfort I experienced earlier. I even felt more confident standing on my right leg than the left after all of this!
I've just purchased a second wrap to use on my left leg and make this a must have for all my training runs. For more information, feel free to do a web search on ITMS, Runner's Knee, or IT Band Syndrome and you'll see plenty of good advise, but without this strap I'm not sure how fast you could get past this issue.
Product Description
Applies warmth for added comfort and faster healing. Helps absorb stress, reduces friction, rubbing of the femoral condyle. Alleviates conditions associated with iliotibial band syndrome. Integral compression pad targets and stabilizes the iliotibial tract. Made of UBL Neoprene, felt, CoolMax mesh and VELCRO brand fastener.
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