I tried it and was very disapointed.I am a massage therapist and wanted to know how many calories I used.It doesn't work on any upper body movements.
Than I wore it when I was taking a drive. I used about 1,000 calories on that drive.WOW!!!It tracked my car movements.
Get a good walking pedometer not this gaget it's junk!!!!
Thanks for letting me soundoff
Product Description
At last, you can monitor your calories with every move, thanks to the Accelerometer Calorie Counter! Say so long to the "old style" pedometer, and meet the advanced personal activity monitor with the same motion sensing technology used by NASA. Simply input your weight and age, and this pager-size Accelerometer precisely tracks and records all physical movement, whether you're walking, washing dishes, vacuuming or just lying around, you'll always know how many calories you've burned! The large LCD display recalls seven days of data with the download capabilities to a home computer. Truly makes a great motivator for weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.
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