Saturday 1 May 2010

▷▷▷▷ Chrisi Taylor's StepSational DVD Review

ANOTHER superb workout.I can't understand why she's not more commonly known.She should be.This is a great workout when you want to push yourself.I love this music too.Everlasting Love etc and they use vocals which is fine because she cues along in time to the words.You'll use every inch of your step in this workout.She cues ahead well, so you know what's coming and what to do next.At the end there is an 8 minute bonus burst segment which could almost kill you (in a good way).There is also an instructional segement at the end to catch you up.Go get this.It will become your favourite too.

Product Description
Just when you thought you'd seen it all, Christi steps it up a notch by turning Part 2 of the workout UPSIDE-DOWN! During this innovative segment, all combinations begin and end on TOP of the step. It's cutting-edge creativity just when you need it most!

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