Sunday 11 September 2011

Do you need a new 3D TV? - 3D TV Technology, 3D TV Guide

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Yes, with one exception, high-definition televisions can not be upgraded to support the new 3D format, used by Blu-ray, DirecTV, Sony PlayStation 3 and many others. One reason is that the TV must be able to accept a signal in 3D, which is basically 1080p/24 two images (one for each eye) to view 3D Blu-ray. This is potentially confusing because many do not have 3D LCD 240Hz refresh rate to 120Hz and producer marketing also refers to the plasma "600Hz". Regardless of the specific program "Hz", these 3D models can not handle a single source image, not the double image of the signal needed for Blu-ray 3D.

Another reason is that 3D processing requires additional hardware, and several videos, including a way to send the necessary signal for glasses 3D active infrared or Bluetooth. Passive 3D TV screen using a "slow", which is not standard 2D televisions. We are not the ruling of the ability of our third party add-on to overcome these limitations, but for now there is no way to convert any 2D TV to be compatible with the new 3D television formats.

The exception mentioned above applies to approximately 4 million televisions rear projection DLP and plasma compatible 3D sold in recent years by Mitsubishi and Samsung. The two companies sold the DLP, and Samsung has also sold the PNB450 (2009) and PNA450 (2008) Plasma in the series, but each requires a special 3-D kits, with the link to the source PC for 3D viewing. Mitsubishi now sells a conversion kit ($449 with two pairs of glasses), allowing older DLP Samsung and Mitsubishi 3D TV - 3D but Samsung plasma - to work with the new 3D sources. Third party sites also sell conversion kits that work with current 3D TVs.

Depends on the size of the screen, in addition to differences based on factors other non-3D and many, but in 2010 the cost of a 3D model from a non-3D is at least $ 200, and usually more. How to print time, Panasonic G25 50-inch plasma (2D only) and GT25 (3D) are separated by about $ 250, Samsung 46-inch UNC6500 (2D) and UNC7000 (3D) of about $350. In 2011, 50-inch Panasonic ST30 (3D) and S30 (2D only) are separated list price of $400. Note that none of these models include the 3D glasses.

Comparisons like this are not entirely apples to apples, however, and especially in 2011 3D TV closer to their counterparts in 2D in the price. Almost all high-definition televisions and high-end in the middle of this year is 3D capable, and we expect that almost all the best television performance 3D graphics.

Absolutely not. Especially for small and/or buy low-end TV, 3D functionality is not required. If you buy and/or shopping in the mid-high end TV manufacturer product lines, however, may be an inevitable feature of 3D. In 2011, for example, most TVs will be "3D ready", meaning they do not include active glasses , but the 3D view as the correct speed and content. More importantly, it will be hard to find TV sets so that they do it in 3D, and some manufacturers, such as Vizio, with its passive models, 3D models announced at a relatively low price in their training.

Our advice, which applies to 3D feature more than any other step-up 2D is still in operation to see for yourself. If you are up to two similar models you can afford, one with and one without 3D, we think it worthwhile to see 3D TV in action before making a decision. TV last long, the 3D content will become increasingly common, and do not expect competitive "free 3D glasses" hitting the market soon.

So that is: most of what we know about 3D TV today. We will review the new models by 2011 and, hopefully, the update in the meantime, feel free to add a comment.

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