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While Black Friday deals on all work after Thanksgiving and leave a few calories walking through the mall, the biggest shopping day of the year can also play a role in the global economy of the United States. We will take a brief look at the history of Black Friday, so we can try a better understanding of how the day after Thanksgiving will affect other aspects of American life to come.
A brief history of> Black Friday
According to several sources, the term Black Friday was introduced by the New York Times in 1975, focusing on the day that retailers are finally in black when it came to their number. Be used to sell more products - but over the years, the day after Thanksgiving has been targeted as something that could be marketed. To and from price competition came into play, with companies trying to sell, always on the doors andmore points. This is where we are today.
Christmas shopping - How Black Friday Economic Impacts
The effects of Black Friday for the economy
In a sense, the event shopping is very good for the economy - as long as people pay for the items in cash and non-rack expensive credit card fees that can not really afford. If too many people to extend their loans to buy things over the limit, that does not really need, this could be disastrous for the U.S. economy.
There are alsothe issue of fraud, with more people spending more. Each year retailers lose billions of dollars to theft and fraud. Black Friday may have a negative effect on these figures, that for them to lose business with more and more money gets the greater the day after Thanksgiving. This may change, but thanks to the Internet.
Enter Cyber ​​Monday - better deals?
Now, in the 21 century really start with the Internet,bloom, expect more and more people rely on Cyber ​​Monday more than another day of shopping. By the way, online store, you can avoid all the long lines, all people and all the problems with large sales that are advertised to do before you come. In addition, retailers can have a better chance of preventing fraud, when people shop online. There are also other savings that could be passed on to customers.
As you can clearly see Black FridayImpact on the economy in many ways.
Christmas shopping - How Black Friday Economic Impacts
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