Friday 12 August 2011

May 21 2011 judgement day - may 21 2011, judgement day

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The End Of The World is just a few days away. Jesus Christ will return on May 21, 2011, according to Harold Camping, the founder of We Can Know radio. Camping has been spreading the word about the final days via his Christian Network.

We Can Know is the organization behind a series of biblical billboards that bear this date as the end of the world. The organization’s philosophy is that,

“We can know something about how God will behave in the future by looking at how He has behaved in the past. Since He has given advance notice of the precise timing for judgment in the past, we should not be surprised that He is revealing the timing of the end today.”According to the American Atheists, Judgment Day is a great week to throw a party, for those who do not believe in God. The Atheists are hosting a Rapture after-party to prove that Camping is wrong.

According to the American Atheists, Judgment Day is a great week to throw a party, for those who do not believe in God. The Atheists are hosting a Rapture after-party to prove that Camping is wrong.

Labels: 2011, end of the world, judgement day, may 21, may 21 2011, the rapture

- 2011 - Judgement Day - The Rapture - End Of The World - May 21 2011 - May 21
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