Saturday 20 August 2011

April is Cancer Control Month -

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Regular screening examinations by a health care professional can result in early detection of cancer. Early detection is another effective way of control the disease. Cancers are most treatable when they are diagnosed at an early stage. Cancers that can be diagnosed early through screening include cancers of the breast, colon, rectum, cervix, prostate, oral cavity, and skin. Cancers that can be prevented by removal of precancerous tissue include cancers of the cervix, colon, and rectum. For cancers of the breast, colon, rectum, and cervix, early detection has been proven to reduce mortality. A heightened awareness of breast changes or skin changes may also result in detection of these tumors at earlier stages. Also, mammography can detect breast tumor at an early stage, when treatment is more effective and a cure is more likely. Cancers that can be detected earlier by screening account for at least half of all new cases.

If proactive actions were taken in the first two control measures against cancer, more than two-thirds of all cases might never require the third line of control instrument, the treatment of cancer.

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