Tuesday 19 July 2011

Survival Earthquake Kits: Hurricane Survival And Preparedness kits - earthquake survival kits, Hurricane

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Hurricane preparedness and kits should contain basic necessities, such as several gallons of clean drinking water and non-perishable food. However, you must regularly check the food and change the water in your hurricane emergency kits every six months. Your kits would not be of any help if they contain food and water supply that is stale or expired. Since there will definitely be power outage or unavailability of gas, you should also include candles, flashlights, transistor radio and waterproof matches in your kits. It would be better if the flashlight and the transistor radio that you use are hand-cranked so you do not have to think about buying batteries.
There is a big chance that your home will not survive the hurricane, so you should not forget to include important documents as part of your emergency kits. Just make sure that you put important papers inside waterproof document storage bags. You should also add into your hurricane emergency kits tools like shovels, axes and machetes to help you gather wood for cooking or help your family get out in case you are trapped inside your home. If you have no idea what other items to include in your hurricane preparedness and kits, you can click on these kits on Amazon

Survival Earthquake Kits: Hurricane Survival And Preparedness kits

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