Saturday 30 July 2011

Buy Potassium Iodide Online for Radiation Protection Buy Now -

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HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM RADIATION EXPOSURE IN THE EVENT OF A NUCLEAR MELTDOWN IN JAPAN OR ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD SPREADING TO YOUR AREA. Naturally build your body's defense to radiation & aid its elimination of radiation poisoning should you become exposed.

Have a backup plan should thyroid protecting supplements such as Potassium Iodine (KI) be unavailable to you. There are Potassium Iodide alternatives if needed in a pinch.

Many people are wondering what they could do to protect themselves and their loved ones in the event that dangerous levels of radiation were to migrate into their local areas.

There are two types of radiation, according to Lita Lee, author of Radiation Protection Manual. They are ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. The ionizing radiation is more damaging because it is of a higher energy than non-ionizing radiation and produces charged particles called ions, either negative ions (the good "guys") or positive ions (the bad ones). Ionizing radiation is produced from nuclear bombs, nuclear reactors, medical and dental x-rays, and is the type of radiation used to irradiate food. The non-ionizing radiation includes electromagnetic radiation produced by electric current, radio waves, microwave ovens, radar stations, television (cathode ray tube), video display terminals (VDT's) computers, high voltage lines, infrared and fluorescent lights, and sunlamps (e.g. tanning booths which emit ultraviolet light).

Potassium Iodide (KI)

Many are reading about potassium iodide being handed out in Japan because of radiation levels. Potassium iodide may protect just the thyroid gland against exposure to radioactive iodine that occurs when radiation levels increase. KI will probably not help with radiation damage in other parts of the body.


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