Monday 11 April 2011

Duke Nukem Forever Demo and Trailer Launched Today -

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"Duke Nukem Forever," a game that has taken nearly 15 years to produce, has released a titillating trailer that taps into the most obscene, mammary-loving, chauvinistic instincts that reside (to varying degrees) in all Duke fans.

While retaining the three-breasted alien from previous Duke Nukem games, the trailer adds two lesbian schoolgirls, a jiggly chambermaid, and strippers galore. Needless to say, unless you're a tech journalist or work in an environment of Duke-like men, the trailer (which you can view below), is Not Safe For Work (NSFW).

The trailer song is a pretty pumped up Mickey Avalon remix of "Stroke" by Billy Squier.

Also on Friday, publisher 2K Games released a demo of DNF to those who had pre-paid for the game, aka the "First Access Club" Members. We haven't tried the demo ourselves, but generally the sentiment of the blogosphere has been pretty negative.

Kotaku's "Sugoi" wrote, "The mouse smoothing and acceleration make it feel really clunky, which combined with the freakin' tiny FOV (feels sub-70, probably thrown off by the mouse wonkiness) just makes the entire thing seem awkward."

"Tried the new Duke Nukem Forever demo that was just released. Pretty lame, not gonna lie," tweeted web show host @HouseholdHacker.

"It's a little like Call of Duty, but sillier," wrote Rock, Paper Shotgun.

First announced in 1997 and slated for release in 1998, "Duke Nukem Forever" is the most delayed title in modern gaming history. At last count, the game was due to come out on May 3, but was inexplicably delayed, as related in a "special message" on March 24. On May 17, 2K finally announced that the game was on track to hit stores in the U.S. on June 14 and internationally on June 19.

Then on May 24, 2K Games announced that the game had gone gold; in other words, it had been sent out for mass production.

So...maybe this June 14th launch date is actually for real, but will it be worth the wait?


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