Wednesday 20 April 2011

Gene Simmons Proposes on finale of Gene Simmons Family Jewels -

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Fans of Gene Simmons Family Jewels were shocked to discover that Simmons proposed to his girlfriend of 28 years on last night’s episode. However, it was revealed today that the proposal featured on the reality show’s season finale was shot several months ago.

Simmons, 61, and Tweed, 54, often describe themselves as “happily unmarried”, having raised now-grown children, Nick and Sophie, together. During the finale, Simmons proclaims “you’re the only friend I’ve got. You’re the only one I love… and you’re the only one I ever will love” to Tweed before getting down on one knee. The scene, set against a stunning Belize landscape, appears romantic… until you discover the pair has since split.

In a recent interview with PEOPLE, Tweed shares that she has moved out of their home and there is a “slim chance” of them reuniting.

“You’re seeing this happy family,” tweed said, “but in my heart, I am dying.”

In the most recent season of Family Jewels, leading up the finale’s proposal, we have followed the families’ challenges, therapy sessions, and fights. Most of the couple’s issues are rooted in Simmons’ claim to have slept with thousands of women.

“I need some sort of commitment”, Tweed told PEOPLE, again explaining that if Simmons doesn’t change his behaviour, their relationship will not continue.

Simmons has always vowed that he’s not the marrying kind. The simple act of proposing to Tweed signifies a change in his mentality and belief system. Let’s hope they can work through their differences- 28 years is too long to throw out the window. C’mon Shannon- KISS and make up!

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