Monday 25 April 2011

Summer Solstice - What you don't know -

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But the atmosphere in temperate regions continues to receive more heat than it gives up to space, a situation that lasts a month or more, depending on the latitude. Though it depends on the local climate, most locations see the hottest part of the year occurring in late July.  A reverse process occurs after the winter solstice in December; most places see their coldest weather in late January. 

The solar heating depends directly on the sun's altitude in the sky, which also controls its daily path and the number of hours the sun is above the horizon. As an example, although on April 12 the insolation is the same as on Aug. 31, thanks to the seasonal temperature lag, the northern and central United States can still experience a freeze at the former date, or endure a 90-degree heat wave at the latter. 


Just as the word "armistice" is defined as a staying of the action of arms, "solstice" is a staying of the sun's apparent motion over the latitudes of the Earth.

At the summer solstice, the sun stops its northward motion and begins heading south.  At the winter solstice, it turns north.

So technically on Tuesday, even at 17:17 UT, the sun will have turned around and started on its six-month journey south.  It will cross the equator at the autumnal equinox, passing into the Southern Hemisphere on Sept. 23, at 9:05 UT.

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