Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Buy Geiger Counters Online | Amazon bestseller - radiationdetectorsonline, dosimeter

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The Osun Technologies EH0010 EMF Hunter EMF Radiation Detector is the first one on the market that adds temperature testing to the radiation strength (selected model only). It is easy to use, and does not require a technical background. It has 3 separate sensors (HF, LF, and Temperature) that are user selectable to provide a really cool readout on three Sci-Fi styled LED bars! Utilizing state-of-art technology, you can walk around your house and actually "SEE" these fields around you! You will be amazed at what you find. Perfect to use in the light or in the dark! The EMF Hunter can be used to detect both low and high frequency EMF produced by appliances such as cell phones, microwave ovens, power lines, TVs, computers, electrical fans, AC alarm clocks, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, and washers and dryers. The list is extensive. It can also be used to research paranormal phenomena.
Search Amazon.com for Geiger Counters

Tags: radiation detectors,nuclear radiation detectors,radiation meter,geiger counters,geiger detector,dosimeter,radiation detector,radiationdetectorsonline

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