P698 Airsoft Cyma, Spring Pistol P.698 ,Plastic Model Gun, Airsoft Spring Pisto,cyma Brand,6 Mm Bb Bulletl
by Airsoft
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Review & Description
This is the Airsoft CYMA Glock 26 Spring Pistol P.698. The scale is 1/1 and it's an high performance assembled plastic model gun. Includes airsoft spring pistol and 50 6 mm BBs. This is a Spring Airsoft Pistol, which means it's powered by a spring and must be cocked for each shot. It's fast, clean, inexpensive and easily maintained; it requires no gas or batteries to operate. Also, Spring Airsoft Guns are the toughest, most durable of all Airsoft Guns, because they're made with few breakable pieces. If you're looking for a fun, reliable Airsoft Pistol that'll look great and perform even better, you've come to the right place. Features: * 1/1 Scale High Performance Assembled Plastic Model Gun * 6 mm BB Bullet Use * CYMA Brand Includes: * Airsoft Spring Pistol * 50 6 mm BBs Specifications: * FPS: 180 * Magazine Capacity: 9 * Length: 158 mm Read more