Very impressed with the finished product.The assist really helps and works well.The unit has some nice features, like both the assist platform and dip arms easily folds out of the way and lock in place giving more room for chinning.
At 200 and 130lbs the chinning and dip bars are adequate for me and my wife.There is a little give in the bars when I use it, but it still feels very safe.I doubt that it would hold up well if 4-5 guys were using it, but it should last us fine.
The unit came nicely packaged in double boxes and shipping was free and much faster than I anticipated.
While it did take a the better part of an evening to assemble, the instructions were very clear and warned that assembly would take some time.You'll need a 17mm wrench (or crescent or pliers) along with the included allen wrenches.Power tools don't work well, because some of the angles make access tough. A 17mm ratchet would be quicker than a wrench.
Unfortunately the unit says made in China in several places, so ease of assembly is somewhat compromised by manufacturing quality.The instructions said you might need a hammer to complete assembly.I didn't need one, but thought about it a couple times.
One last note regarding assembly.One component was not drilled.It looks like the part was packaged before it went through the final manufacturing step.I called the company using the number listed on the manual.I got a quick response and they are sending a new part, no problem.The 10-20 day estimated delivery is kind of a bummer, but now I can drill the hole in the original part myself and not worry about voiding any warranty and having to send anything back.
Overall, I'm very happy with the product, price and service.
Product Description
For goal-oriented training, Bayou's Assisted Power Tower has a dip station for dips and pull-ups and a pad that easily folds down and out of your way. Included are 4 resistance bands (two 15 lb. and two 25 lb. resistance bands) to assist while performing dips, chin-ups and pull-ups.
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