This was one of my favorite videos when I was new to yoga, and it's still my top recommendation to others looking to try yoga for the first time. The best thing about this practice is that it offers four different levels of modifications, making it completely accessible to everyone, including those who are inflexible yet overweight. The practice is led by a beautifully inspiring older instructor, Suzanne Deason, whose voice is calm and whose body is both strong and limber. She is accompanied by three yoga students, two of whom are larger-sized; I particularly liked how the two larger models displayed the more flexible versions of the poses, showing that all the poses can be done by anyone, regardless of body type. The practice itself is a gentle yoga workout for your entire body, with a particular focus on your breathing and an inclusion of abs/core work. It begins with some basic breathing instruction in both seated and standing positions. Suzanne then leads your through a nice variety of standing poses, including a warrior series, lunges, triangle, and wide legged forward bend. The practice concludes on the floor with abdominal work, twists, bridge, and relaxation pose to finish, for a total of 47 minutes. If you are doing modified versions of the poses, props such as a yoga block are recommended.
This is an excellent practice that is both relaxing and energizing. More advanced yoga students may find the routine to be too slow and the moves to be too easy, but as I said above, it's ideally suited to beginners. Do you think that you're not flexible enough to do yoga? So did I; this video changed my mind. Highly recommended!
Product Description
In addition to stretching, meditation and stress reduction, yoga has many therapeutic benefits including the power to help you naturally lose weight and keep it off. Led by acclaimed yoga instructor Suzanne Deason, Living Arts® Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss leads you through a yoga routine designed to help you loose weight and keep it off.
The video format is no longer available to us and we are sorry. This program is also available on DVD, featuring four 45 minute programs depending on your level of fitness. This program will help to push you further as your fitness level improves. DVD price is 19.98.
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